Adieu 2022!!

2022 is flying by and 2023 is ready to knock at our doors.

With our long-standing tradition of sharing our friendship with our patients, their families and our team members, please enjoy these treasured moments as we bid farewell to Dr Stanley Markin, and our dedicated team members: Patricia, Karen and Dawna.

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Foods You Can Eat with Braces

Many people who have braces or are considering getting braces have heard of the “forbidden foods” list that they will have to adhere to while undergoing orthodontic treatment. Here at Braceland Orthodontists in North Scarborough, we have a foods to avoid list of our own that you can find on our site. However, while this sort of list can be a little daunting, don’t worry—there are still many yummy options that you can partake in and we’re here to offer some suggestions!

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Why Choose Ceramic Braces?

Ever wished that you could improve your smile, but are unsure of which orthodontic treatment to choose? It can be difficult to select the best path to straighter teeth and a better smile; however, our Braceland Orthodontists talented doctor and team are here to help ease the confusion about selection and will assist in any way possible to aide in choosing between our various types of treatment.

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How to Tell If You’re Having an Orthodontic Emergency

Having braces or Invisilign takes a bit of getting used to at first, and a lot of care. You may heed all directions from your orthodontist and still experience minor aches and soreness, which is completely normal. There may come a time however, although rare, that you may actually experience an orthodontic emergency. But how do you know when it's just regular pain or an emergency? Continue below to read a summary of some common orthodontic problems, learn if they're emergencies or not, and discover how to treat them.

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Retainers 101

It’s the New Year, which means plenty of New Year’s resolutions. For 2019, make one of your resolutions to keep your teeth straight by properly using your retainer! Orthodontists typically recommend wearing a retainer after completing orthodontic treatment. But what exactly is a retainer, why do you need to wear it, and how do you care for it?

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Thanks for Donating!

The team at Braceland Orthodontists wants to thank our patient community for donating to our 22nd Annual Holiday Toy Drive. We love the holiday season, and value this opportunity to give back with your help. So again, many thanks for contributing toys to our North Scarborough office during the month of December.

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22nd Annual Holiday Toy Drive

One of the most magical aspects of the holiday season is the way it can bring people together to do good, give back, and help those in need. Every year, our North Scarborough orthodontics staff is touched by the donations we receive from patients for our Annual Holiday Toy Drive. We are so proud that so many thoughtful, generous patients participate in our orthodontics team drive. And this year, we are thrilled to announce that 104 GIFTS were donated!

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What is Diode Laser Treatment?

Orthodontic technology has come a long way. In addition to the many first-rate orthodontic treatments that can straighten your teeth, there are other ways you can enhance your smile. With the use of innovative diode laser treatment, for example, you can easily remove excess gum tissue to improve the state of your smile.

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Can Adults Get Braces Too?

Usually, when people hear the word “braces,” they associate it with kids and teenagers. In fact, one of the most common questions we receive is: “Can adults get braces too?” And the answer is absolutely; it’s never too late! Here at Braceland Orthodontists, we offer a wide range of orthodontic treatments for patients of all ages in the North Scarborough area and the surrounding communities.

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Why Choose Clear Aligners?

Orthodontic technology is continuously improving in terms of comfort, results, and appearance. This last element “appearance,” in particular, is an element of orthodontic treatment that has been innovated over the years in order to offer orthodontic patients treatment plans that are as discreet as possible. Clear aligners are a leading solution to this aesthetic quest.

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Oral Hygiene in The Summer for Kids

They say one swallow doesn’t make a summer, and this applies to oral hygiene as well. As warmer temperatures arrive, we know kids and families are enjoying longer days, travel plans, less routine, and plenty of ice cream! While we encourage all of these indulgences, let’s discuss ways to maintain a good oral hygiene routine so that guilty pleasures don’t lead to cavities, which can affect your orthodontic treatment.

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Dangers of Direct-to-Consumer Treatment

Today we live in a world where people want things instantaneously—goods delivered to their homes so they won’t have to go out and get what they need. While this can work with some types of products when it comes to medical treatment of any sort people should reconsider.

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How to Clean Your Invisalign Aligners

Invisalign is a great option for orthodontic treatment. The aligners are practically invisible, they’re removable, and best of all, you can eat any foods that you want. However, to get the most out of your experience with Invisalign, you have to take good care of your aligners and make sure you clean them properly. The Braceland Orthodontists team has created a comprehensive list of the biggest do’s and don’ts when it comes to taking care of and cleaning your Invisalign aligners.

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Fluoride & Your Teeth

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that is essential for tooth development and the prevention of tooth decay. Most of us have access to fluoride in our drinking water; however, it may not be a sufficient amount. That's one reason why we may recommend a fluoride supplement and/or the use of toothpastes and other dental products that contain this important mineral.

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Thumb Sucking & Tongue Thrusting

Thumb and finger sucking habits are a perfectly natural way for babies and toddlers to soothe themselves. However, as a child grows there comes a point when this comforting habit can cause more harm than good.

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Early Treatment

It’s never too late to begin orthodontic treatment. But when it comes to your child’s teeth, earlier is better than later. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends an initial screening at age 7 to determine if early orthodontic treatment is right for your child. In most cases, if orthodontic work is needed our orthodontist will simply monitor your child’s growth patterns until the best time for treatment is determined.

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21st Annual Holiday Toy Drive

Braceland Orthodontists loves the holiday season. As part of this wonderful time of year, one of the traditions our staff partakes in is an annual toy drive held in our North Scarborough office.

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Pregnancy & Your Child’s Developing Teeth

At Braceland Orthodontists, it’s our mission to offer efficient and effective services that help our patients achieve healthy, beautiful smiles.

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Importance of Lifetime Retainer Wear

When you finish your orthodontic treatment, you are excited to be free of the appliances you’ve had to put up with—brackets, wires, aligners, and so on. However, while it is certainly important to revel in the freedom of your new smile, equally important is taking the necessary action to retain it. And that comes down to one word — retainers.

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Sleep Apnea

Most people don’t associate teeth with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD). However, a 2012 study revealed that many children who are diagnosed with ADHD don’t really have the condition. Rather, their behavioral problems are actually due to sleep-related breathing disorders (SRBD), such as sleep apnea.

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Braces & Your Oral Hygiene Routine

Braces can make maintaining thorough oral hygiene difficult. However, there are some best practices and special tools you can use to make your oral hygiene routine easy and efficient!

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Tooth Sensitivity

We all want a healthy, beautiful smile, but dental care goes beyond just helping teeth look good. At Braceland Orthodontists, we're proud to provide expert, high-quality orthodontic treatment to patients of all ages throughout the North Scarborough area. We believe everyone deserves a smile they feel proud of, and our trusted orthodontist Dr. Stanley Markin and his highly trained staff work with you to customize a comprehensive treatment plan that meets the needs of your lifestyle.

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Gum Disease

Periodontal disease—more commonly known as gum disease—ranges from simple gum inflammation to serious disease symptoms that result in major damage to the soft tissue and bone that support your teeth.

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Early Dental Care

As your local North Scarborough orthodontics team, we believe maintaining your child's dental health from an early age will lead to health benefits that last throughout adulthood.

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Dry Mouth

Sometimes temporary mouth dryness can be brought on by dehydration, stress, or a normal reduction in saliva flow at night. However, if your dry mouth persists long past the norm, you may have a chronic condition known as xerostomia.

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Good Foods for Your Teeth

We all know that a healthy, balanced diet is critical to overall health; but did you know that diet has a huge impact on teeth? You may not realize it, but certain foods can contribute to developing tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease, while others can reinforce the integrity of your teeth and help you maintain a beautiful, healthy smile.

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Tooth Decay Prevention

At Braceland Orthodontists, we work hard to provide high-quality orthodontic care to families across the North Scarborough area. Our orthodontist, Dr. Markin, and his highly-trained staff want to make every patient feel at home in our offices.

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CPR Certified & Proud

In order to keep up with the latest, safest techniques in patient care, on March 3, 2017 the skilled North Scarborough team at Braceland Orthodontists underwent a refresher course in CPR training and best practices.

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20th Annual Holiday Toy Drive

This Year Braceland Orthodontists Held Its 20th Annual Holiday Toy Drive. Thanks To The Generosity Of The Community, It Was A Big Success. Learn More Today!

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Tobacco Cessation Seminar

At Braceland Orthodontists we care about the health and well-being of our patients. As such, in addition to always keeping up with the latest orthodontic treatments and technologies, our North Scarborough staff frequently works to better other aspects of our patient care techniques and health acumen.

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